A study on the use of a new drug designed to make the endometrium more receptive. IB research for SEF, 2016.

  • 28-07-2016

Correct endometrium preparation is key when the embryo is due to implant in the uterus. In cryo-transfer (the transfer of frozen embryos), we ensure that the endometrium is as receptive as possible. In order to achieve this, there are, basically, only two endometrium preparation methods currently available: the substitution method, which makes use of oestrogen, and the natural cycle. (Artificial preparation through ovarian stimulation is not contemplated since, whilst it does have the same affect as the aforementioned, it became obsolete since it was an expensive and uncomfortable procedure).

Instituto Bernabeu has searched for an alternative. Is letrozole an efficient method of preparing the endometrium?

The results of our proposal to use letrozole are presented in this research work which was carried out by Instituto Bernabeu and accepted by the SEF scientific committee for its annual congress.

Based on the results, we can conclude that the use of letrozole as a new means of preparing the endometrium has been proven. The benefits of this therapy in ovarian stimulation and, in turn, correct preparation of the endometrium, have been demonstrated.

LETROZOLE AS AN ALTERNATIVE FOR ENDOMETRIUM PREPARATION FOR CRYOTRANSFER.  B. Moliner, F. Sellers, L. Luque, JC. Castillo, J. Guerrero, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu. Poster.


Studiamo l'uso di un nuovo farmaco per rendere l'endometrio più ricettivo.

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