An exceptional prick-free blood glucose monitor that gives readings over a mobile device is currently being used at our Endocrinology Unit

  • 20-07-2017

At Instituto Bernabeu, we are an innovative medical centre which applies the latest, cutting edge technologies and techniques to improve our patient's living standards. And this fact can be proven by our Endocrinology Unit, where we are using a new blood glucose monitoring device for Diabetic patients who will no longer need to prick their fingers to see their readings on a mobile device. By simply moving the device near the sensor, it can display the current blood glucose levels and inform the user if these are going up or down. In addition to this, it can record readings for up to 8 hours, so with only 3 prick-free controls per day, patients are able to record their blood glucose profile for the whole day.


L’unità di Endocrinologia usa un nuovo misuratore di glucosio senza necessità di puntura che registra i dati su un dispositivo mobile.

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