Full house at the ADDA on the night of the Instituto Bernabeu concert in honour of women

  • 10-03-2017

For the fifth year in a row, the Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Instituto Bernabeu's social welfare organisation, chose music as the means to honour women on International Women's Day on 8th March. The ADDA symphonic hall reached full capacity and 1,200 attendees enjoyed the musical soirée. The soprano, Ana María Sánchez, was responsible for advising on and supervising the repertoire including melodies which we were a nod to and highlighted women and maternity. Operatic arias and lyric-dramatic zarzuelas filled the auditorium with music once again this year and there was a surprise for everyone at the end when members of the Orfeón de Alicante choir sitting in the audience joined the sopranos in song.



The event began with a video in which Instituto Bernabeu paid tribute to women. Following this, Sómnica Bernabeu, coordinator of the Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, welcomed all those present and thanked "each and every one of our patients for believing in us. This is what has made this event possible." Sómnica Bernabeu also highlighted the role of the Rafael Bernabeu Foundation which carries out a large number of social welfare activities in the name of women and fertility.

The concert began with a piece from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro sung in duet by sopranos Teresa Alberto and Cynthia Moleón. They were accompanied by Professor Juan Carlos Vázquez on the piano. The musical soirée lasted for almost two hours. During that time, those present heard arias and songs of the lyric-dramatic genre sung by the sopranos both as duets and as solos.



V Concierto Bernabeu por la mujer - Diario Información


Auditorio ADDA completamente pieno durante il concerto in omaggio alla donna organizzato dall'Instituto Bernabeu

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